Jan 20, 2022: Rolling Stones Honored With Royal Mail Stamps

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The Rolling Stones were honored with a series of stamps from Britain’s Royal Mail on Jan. 20, 2022. The 12 stamps, celebrating the group’s 60th anniversary, depicted many of their iconic live performances from around the world including their 1969 concert in London’s Hyde Park.

As of the second anniversary of their issue, much of the series was still available for order.

The Stones were just the fourth group to be so honored. The Beatles were the first, in 2007. Pink Floyd were selected in 2016. David Bowie was chosen, in 2017, in what would have been his 70th year. In 2020, Queen were honored for their 50th anniversary. On Jan. 12, 2023, Iron Maiden became the fifth band to receive an official stamp from the Royal Mail.

Eight of the stamps are of images heralding some of the Stones‘ most acclaimed live performances. In addition to the one from their free concert in London’s Hyde Park, the group are also shown in Tokyo in 1995, and at the 1976 Knebworth festival.

In the Jan. 11, 2022, announcement, David Gold, the Royal Mail Director of Public Affairs and Policy said, “Few bands in the history of rock have managed to carve out a career as rich and expansive as that of the Rolling Stones.

“They have created some of modern music’s most iconic and inspirational albums, with ground-breaking live performances to match.”

The Royal Mail describes the series as “capturing the greatest rock and roll band at their majestic best. Other stamps in the series feature group shots and iconic tour posters.

When the Stones tour again, tickets will be available here and here.

Related: Our recap of the Stones’ opening concert of their 2022 ‘Sixty’ tour

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3 Comments so far

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  1. Jeffrey
    #1 Jeffrey 12 January, 2022, 07:54

    Beatles, Pink Floyd, Queen, David Bowie. That makes the Stones the FIFTH group, not the fourth.

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  2. Tomster
    #2 Tomster 12 January, 2022, 14:45

    Amazing that Bill Wyman is not featured on any of the stamps! Or Brian Jones. Or Mick Taylor. How about 6th Stone Ian Stewart. Talk about Keith & Mick shutting the door on their bandmates!

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