Jeopardy! Contestants Fail to ID Led Zeppelin

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Led Zeppelin fans have been unsparing in their ridicule of the contestants of a recent episode of Jeopardy! for failing to identify the iconic classic rock band. On the popular game show’s November 29, 2023, edition, in the category “Discographies,” host Ken Jennings read the answer to the three contestants. “Houses of the Holy,” adding “these rockers” as a photo of Led Zeppelin’s John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page, and Robert Plant appeared on the screen.

The three contestants, Rhone Talsma, Nell Klugman and Henry Baer—all with blank looks on their faces—failed to buzz in with the obvious question. With time expired, Jennings smirked, “You have annoyed Led Zeppelin fans everywhere.”

In its coverage of the story, the website Decider quoted a fan’s response on social media. “What kind of horrible uncultured lives have these people lived?”

Watch the blank looks on the Jeopardy contestants faces as they failed to identify Led Zeppelin

Related: Jeopardy! has been an occasional sketch on Saturday Night Live

Best Classic Bands Staff

3 Comments so far

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  1. JCB
    #1 JCB 3 December, 2023, 08:24

    Amazing, how America has become this dumbed down. Just wow.

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  2. Stevie G
    #2 Stevie G 3 December, 2023, 22:35

    That’s probably the only question I would have answered correctly!

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  3. BMac
    #3 BMac 5 December, 2023, 10:00

    In fairness, Led Zeppelin hasn’t existed probably since any of these people have existed. On the other hand, Zeppelin still has quite a presence today (yeah, pun intended), and you’d think at least ONE of these three would have either known, or at least have thrown out a half-assed-and-not-too-embarrasing guess.

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