Steiner Sports Offering Beatles Albums as Wall Art

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The Beatles' US albums discography collage

The Beatles’ US albums discography collage

Well known sports memorabilia and marketing firm Steiner Sports Marketing, a leading producer of authentic hand-signed collectibles in the U.S., is partnering with The Beatles’ Apple Corps Ltd. to release a line of licensed Beatles wall art. The initial offering in The Beatles Collection will consist of two framed presentations celebrating their U.S. and U.K. albums, as well as canvases representing both group images and album covers.

The framed collage on this page goes for $149.99.

Sports fans are already familiar with Steiner’s vast collection of one-of-a-kind items – game-used bases, jerseys, etc. – and exclusive agreements with sports legends for signed pieces. He famously has had exclusive rights with the New York Yankees, for instance, for years and sold hundreds of unique mementos from the old Yankee Stadium. Some of the legendary athletes he represents for signed merchandise include Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera and Peyton Manning.

Jeter's hand-signed photo showing him touching the framed quote from Joe DiMaggio "I want to thank the Good Lord for making me a Yankee"

Jeter’s hand-signed photo showing him touching the framed quote from Joe DiMaggio “I want to thank the Good Lord for making me a Yankee”

“As both a sports and music enthusiast all my life,” Steiner said in a statement, “I am at once delighted and enthusiastic that not only is Steiner Sports now a part of the legacy of this most iconic and historical brand, but that we will now be able to bring unique products and memories to so many Beatles fans moving forward.”

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Steiner Sports will commemorate some notable upcoming Beatles anniversaries. Eric Levy, Steiner’s Director of Purchasing and Athlete Relations, told Best Classic Bands: “The reception of the product line so far has been been amazing. People are excited about the items – especially the three versions of the Abbey Road image. There has been a lack of true licensed Beatles wall art in the marketplace for years and we are honored to fill that void. Personally I can’t wait to start commemorating significant releases and anniversaries like Revolver this summer and Sgt. Pepper in 2017.”

Steiner will be marketing its products through both already established Beatles vendors and its own website and is also preparing to expand the brand into the company’s high-end digital and brick and mortar distribution channels.

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