Desert Trip Ticketing Leaves Many Fans Steamed

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desert-trip2 weekendsIt seems that the excitement over October’s now-two weekend Desert Trip classic rock fest hit a muddy patch yesterday after tickets went on sale. A scan of social media posts found a lot of unhappy campers who waited many hours in the digital line on the event’s website only to come up empty-handed. And unhappy. And feeling like tickets ended up going directly to resellers.

Yes, it’s an unscientific survey. But there’s certainly enough kvetching to indicate that event promoters Goldenvoice might have handled ticket sales a bit differently.

Here’s what one disgruntled fan who even took out a Facebook ad to express his ire had to say.

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Yet his post elicited a different story:

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Those who succeeded were psyched:

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It was another matter for those that didn’t:

Hawaii FB post

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Some had fun with the long wait:

Others had theories about why they couldn’t get passes:

DT ticket fraud

Some took their anger to their heroes, like this post on Mick Jagger’s Facebook page:

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Or made pleas to their icons:

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Theories cropped up about how to still get passes:

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One music business friend of ours posted on Facebook about how she and the usually “connected” industry types were having a hard time getting passes through their usual channels. But there is an upside to not getting tickets.

Ultimately, we appreciate the philosophical perspective of a friend of ours, a longtime music fan and Los Angeles resident.

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Best Classic Bands Staff

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  1. Rudyberippin
    #1 Rudyberippin 11 May, 2016, 02:09

    I don’t get it, tickets did not sell out in 20 minutes. I waited from 10am until 1pm and I got tickets. If you kept clicking on the sections random available seats were popping up where before there were none. I

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