Graham Nash Reiterates: No More CSN

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CSN-bio2After telling a Dutch magazine earlier this year that Crosby, Stills & Nash will never perform or record again (see our item here), Graham Nash has since repeated the assertion. “There won’t be any more CSNY,” Nash told Uncut magazine, “and there won’t be any CSN, either. There’s no magic there any more. Well, we had a good run, a good 35, 40 years.”

Actually, to be exact, it’s been 47 years since David Crosby, Stephen Stills and Nash first blended their voices to create one of the signature sounds of the late 1960s and – with Neil Young as CSN&Y and without – one of the superstar classic rock acts of the 1970s. “Right now, I don’t want anything to do with Crosby at all. It’s just that simple,” Nash said to Billboard recently. “In my world there will never, ever be a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young record and there will never be another Crosby, Stills & Nash record or show.”

Young announced last year that he would not be reuniting with CS&N to make music ever again following disparaging remarks Crosby made about his relationship with actress Daryl Hannah (for which Crosby did later apologize). Nash hasn’t offered any specifics about his falling out with his former bandmate and longtime close friend. “I was letting Crosby be who he is,” Nash says. “I let people play their hand in front of me, and I let him do it and then I make a decision.”

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The three had toured together as recently as last year (and would have been a natural choice to play October’s Coachella mega-concert of classic rock acts). Nash released his solo album This Path Tonight earlier this month, and is currently on tour supporting it.

“[A]fter being totally immersed in me and David and Stephen and Neil’s music, I’m done,” Nash said to Billboard. “I need to concentrate on me now.” But his decision is not made without regrets. “How can I not be sad? Look at the music we probably lost. How can I not be sad about that?”

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2 Comments so far

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  1. Dale Haskell
    #1 Dale Haskell 30 April, 2016, 21:01

    Music lost? When was the last time you guys made ANY new music together? The magic left around 1974.

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    • Isisdylan
      Isisdylan 23 February, 2020, 02:06

      Daylight again was a great album after 74 and American dream was not that bad but not that great either but there was a magic until very late 80s and that’s the only album I can think of that add new music but you can look on Google for that shit unless you bought it when it came out like i did. Pretty obvious that there’s one that doesn’t wanna work things out and there’s another one that is tired of getting pushed around but that’s life man. They’ll get over it everybody else’s so get the daylight again album (‘82) as a recommendation to you. I have it on CD and vinyl. Right after that if you know your history pretty well that’s when Crosby got right back into fucking up bad I’m going to prison shaving his head and just everybody was tired of it and they probably should’ve quit then but everybody put up with it. Moving on bro. I saw them live in 02 and I’m not going to miss how much those tickets were. And that was 20 years ago prices were like 225 I think I paid for midsection floor. Lastly and you don’t have to come if you don’t want to I understand prices keep going up when they get older because I believe they believe well we don’t have much time so we better get out and get what we can: I really hope that’s not what they think or any of the artists that are dying off. Take care

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