Beach Boys 60th Anniversary Reunion Tour? Al Jardine Says Maybe
by Best Classic Bands Staff
The Beach Boys during their last full reunion (l. to r.): Brian Wilson, Bruce Johnston, Al Jardine, Mike Love, David Marks
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the formation of The Beach Boys, and at least one member, co-founder Al Jardine, has now hinted at a possible tour to celebrate the occasion.
In a new interview with the website, Jardine said, “Yeah, there’ll definitely be three big tribute concerts—at least that’s the plan. And, hopefully, we can expand from there. It’s just a matter of getting to know each other again and feeling comfortable together. There will be other bands on there too paying tribute to the Beach Boys—it will be a big celebration. We’re going to start with one [concert] and then, logically speaking, once you do one, you can do more—let’s put it that way. The premise is to do it in places like L.A., New York, London. And then, after that, there could be a tour, which would just be us and maybe a few openers. That would be my wish—to do an actual world tour based on that premise and for it to just be us. But we’ll see—we’re going to start with one and see how it goes.”
Throughout the rest of the interview, Jardine mainly concentrates on discussing new songwriting he’s undertaken with his writing partner Larry Dvoskin, who has also worked with Cheap Trick, Robert Plant and others. “Larry and I have been working on this project, which we affectionately call ‘Waves of Love 2.0,’” Jardine told writer Mike Greenhaus. “There’s a ‘Waves of Love’ on an album, [Jardine’s 2010 solo release] A Postcard from California—it is also going to be re-released on UMG this coming September. ‘Waves of Love’ was originally a bonus track on that album. So folks are getting a sample of the East Coast version. My son Matt is on it, too—he’s terrific. He is my Beach Boy on my solo record.”
Related: Members of the Beach Boys recently released a re-recorded version of a 1970 classic
Any touring plans would, of course, be contingent on whether the Covid pandemic dissipates enough to allow the return of full-scale tours by musical artists. The last full Beach Boys reunion, which included surviving members Brian Wilson, Mike Love, Jardine, Bruce Johnston and David Marks, took place in 2012, to mark the band’s 50th anniversary. None of the other core members, some of whom have famously feuded for decades, have yet publicly discussed any possible reunion plans.
The Beach Boys have tour dates for 2021 and 2022, but the lineup isn’t indicated. (Tickets for many of the dates are available here and here.)
Related: Links to 100s of current classic rock tours
Watch the Beach Boys perform “Surfin U.S.A.” during their 50th anniversary tour
11 Comments so far
Jump into a conversationCould they please do it without that loser Mike Love?
I was coming here to make this very remark. Great minds think alike I guess
I agree!!!! Unfortunately he is needed as an original member.
No thanks. Wouldn’t be the Beach Boys without their lead singer.
He was just one of the singers, the original Beach Boys all sang lead at various times, when he wasn’t singing he was just dancing around like a fish out of water. The fact is he can’t sing now, bit like McCartney he’s lost it!!
Love is a total queen, but he’s part of the BB package, and always has been. If Brian tours again with Al Jardine, Al’s son Matt, and Brian’s magnificent orchestra, don’t miss it. Aside from being able to have Carl back, it’s the best rendition of the Beach Boys music you’ll ever hear.
They can’t even manage a car ride together…..
They can’t. His personality is one
thing…..being part
of pop music history
is the other more important part.
I spotted Al Jardine talking to Mike Pinder (Moody Blues) at a Moody Blues concert in 2014 in Santa Rosa Ca. Looked like they were having an enjoyable conversation.
Been watching a Beach Boys tribute band, The Fendertones one of the, if not the best. You can’t beat the original band these lads come close.
Beach Boys 60 th Anniversary Tour is a must
Planning to attend wherever it is..
Mike Love is a must. If some of you don’t like it too bad GET OVER IT
Best Rock& Roll Band EVER !!!!