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  1. Brian Smolik
    #1 Brian Smolik 27 March, 2019, 08:50

    Ernie Cefalu designed the Stones logo!!! C’mon get the story right

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  2. Danny
    #2 Danny 28 March, 2019, 22:03

    I recently read an article about the iconic symbols of rock and roll bands. In the article it talked about Pink Floyd’s symbol from their album, Dark Side of the Moon. It indicated that the light penetrated the prism to a rainbow impression of colors, was/is iconic in more ways then one. Also, the album and its symbol, have been very much listened to for many years. The music, itself, have remained at the top of the charts for many years, and still does. In addition to the great music, the symbol of the light penetrating a prism causing a rainbow coloring to be inserted on to a black plain, is itself an iconic impression. That impression also has very profound visual and mental image. An image that lasts to this very day.
    The group, Pink Floyd, is more well known, I am guessing, from that image. I have been listening to them for … mumble, mumble, years. I would be willing to bet, if I did that kind of thing, that more people would know the group from that symbol than would know the songs/music. From a dead stop to a ‘GO!!!’, even I probably could not answer to the names of the song and/or the music associated with the titles. But then my brain, or what is left of it, does not function as good as it used to. LOL

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  3. feastoffools
    #3 feastoffools 27 March, 2021, 00:59

    With the vast number of deadheads in the world, I wonder if the Dead’s ‘Steal Your Face’ graphic may actually be “the most recognizable logo in rock”.

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